I went to a class on babies, pregnancy, and birth using essential oils about a week ago and learned so much. The care provider taught about how something like 90% of early childhood ailments were from teething. Then she went over some things to prevent those conditions. I took what she said to heart and decided to try a few new things.
In the past I've given my babies homeopathic teething tablets I got from Target, homeopathic Roman Chamomile from the health store (which I loved but am out of), and gum numbing cream (which just made my kids mad).
I ended up using an essential oil blend called Serenity, which has Roman Chamomile, Lavender, and Vanilla; and it smells divine. This was surprisingly effective for being really soothing for Daisy, while also being really fun for me. :) I added a drop to a a small amount of carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil) in my palm and then rubbed it along her entire jaw line and chin, all the way to behind her ears. I also rubbed a little on the base of her neck. Then, to help with her teething runny nose, I put 1 drop of the essential oil blend called Breathe on the base of her neck with a little carrier oil.
This new trick is awesome. It helps her pain so much and her symptoms go away for much longer spans of time than with any of the other things I've tried. I definitely feel like this is supporting her body to work through these changes more easily. I am so grateful for this new option!