YOU Have The Power to Heal YOU!

YOU have the power to heal YOU!

Understanding how your body heals is very important. Whether using natural health "cures" or using a pharmaceutical drug created in a lab and prescribed by a doctor, the remedies you use are never what actually cure you of your ailment. 

Yes, that's what I said: Nothing outside of YOU can ever CURE you!

The human body is incredible. Your body has built-in defense mechanisms and fighting capabilities to recover from almost anything that comes its way.  However, sometimes your body needs a little kick-start from an outside source. This is why natural remedies that have medicinal properties are so nice, like homeopathy, herbal tinctures, and essential oils. Some of these natural remedies have therapeutic properties that help your cells start functioning better and can even kill off some of the bacteria or viral infections for you while your body kicks in for the full recovery.

When people resort to pharmaceutical care, they are trying to do the same thi...

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Budget Bootcamp Review | with Kirk and Kim

Finances play a HUGE role in everyone's mental health, so we love talking about this role! In an effort to upgrade our own clarity in our finances, we jumped head first into Budget Bootcamp by Jordan Page. I have to tell you, it created a BIG shift in the way we look at and manage our money. We loved this course! It is meant to take a month, but knowing us we couldn't take that long, so we finished it in only a week! Kirk and I watched the short video lessons together and had a blast jumping into her activities that solidify each new idea.

We have also found other books and courses that have been a big help in our money mindset journey, and we will hit on those in other posts, but we wanted to share this first because it is at the top of our list. If you want to check this course out for yourself head over to Check back here shortly for a special link we are going to get you that will give you 10% off too!

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I AM AN AUTHOR!?! | with Kirk and Kim

Here's a little snippet of how we came to write our first book, Perfect Natural Solutions! We hope you enjoy our story!

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Why Do I Use Essential Oils for My Family Care?


Essential oils are soooo cool! There is literature that indicates essential oils can boost your immune system so much that it can help form a type of super-immunity because of the extra secondary metabolites, which is incredible! They also can bring benefits and soothing within 20 seconds! I love the balance and refreshing scent they bring to my family.

I started using them when I was pregnant and on bed rest with my 2nd and that led to diffusing to kill bad bacteria, which became learning how to kill my kids viruses.  Thank heavens, cause the doctor just sent us home and told us to wait it out even though it was pretty severe.  Its been an incredible journey of learning and testing, with different oils and theories for care.

Now that I have discovered pure, therapeutic grade essential oils I use them for nearly everything.  There are essential oils you can use for cooking, cleaning, and nearly all ailments, conditions, and quick emergency situations (which happen consistently with 4 ...
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Teething Kids & Natural Remedies

Uncategorized May 09, 2013


So right now I have 2 teething kids.  My 4 year old girl is getting her big kid teeth right behind her baby teeth instead of under them and my 10 month old is getting her first baby teeth in front on top and bottom.  Every time a new tooth for my baby breaks through the gums she bleeds and cries.  There is also a lot of crying from the pain of new teeth trying to push through the gums. That's not to mention the runny noses that have come with the teething.

I went to a class on babies, pregnancy, and birth using essential oils about a week ago and learned so much.  The care provider taught about how something like 90% of early childhood ailments were from teething. Then she went over some things to prevent those conditions.  I took what she said to heart and decided to try a few new things.

In the past I've given my babies homeopathic teething tablets I got from Target, homeopathic Roman Chamomile from the health store (which I loved but am out of), and gum numbing cream (which ju...
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